


A procedure for manually testing proxy submissions:

  1. Login as nih-user (password moo)
  2. Do proxy submission on behalf of Katrina Debnam
    • Associate with ERIC grant
  3. Verify that:
    • Submission contains the ERIC repository
    • Submission does not have external-submissions metadata
    • No click on ERIC link was required
    • The submissions detail page is as above
  4. Login as ed-user
  5. Verify the submissions detail page is as above
  6. Approve the submission
  7. Verify that
    • Submission does not contain the ERIC repository
    • Submission does contain a external-submissions attribute containing information about the ERIC repository
    • Click on ERIC link was required
    • The submissions detail page after submission is as above

The PASS ember app currently uses a custom Ember adapter to talk directly to Fedora, our backend data store of choice. This has some implications to the development of the PASS Ember UI, especially when making changes to the Ember data model.

Updating the UI in pass-docker

subject to change

Steps to update ember container in pass-docker. All steps take place in pass-docker:

  1. Edit .env file to point to the right commit hash, seen in Github
  2. Edit docker-compose.yml: change the tag name for the ember container. The tag for pass-ember and pass-ui-static follow the convention: <date>-<commit_hash>. This does mean that changes must already be committed to Github for the tag to accurately reflect any real info.
  3. docker-compose build ember to build the thing
  4. Push image to Docker Hub. docker-compose push ember. When this completes, the success message will contain the sha256 hash for the image in Docker Hub. Copy this hash (including the sha256: part) and append it to the image in the docker-compose.yml file. It should now look similar to oapass/ember:201806015-96d1830@sha256:07f8fa7c42b379f35ce88857affa992496df6f2424cff91fdce9c2c364839f4d

If for some reason you don’t get a sha256 hash when pushing a new image to Docker Hub, you can find it at any time with Docker. First get the image ID using docker images. Then run the command docker inspect --format='' $IMAGE, where $IMAGE is the Docker image ID you just found.

Once you make the above changes, .env and docker-compose.yml should have changes. Commit those changes to a branch and submit a PR against pass-docker.

Changing the Ember data model

The Ember Fedora Adapter

The README from the OA-PASS/ember-fedora-adapter has some relevant information. This custom adapter receives data from Fedora formatted as JSON-LD, a JSON based representation of RDF data. The fedora adapter then compacts the data, basically mapping the URI keys to shortened keys, based on a JSON-LD context that is configurable. The translated properties are what the adapter uses to create Ember data model objects. This means that the Ember data model and the JSON-LD context provided to the fedora adapter must be kept in sync (the context must also be kept in sync with the context being used by Fedora!).

Many changes to the Ember data model will break the context used by the fedora adapter. In order to see the model changes properly apply from the UI back down to the develompent Fedora back end, you must also provide an updated context. You will most likely have to stand up the context locally in order to test against the changes. This can be done using any means you want, such as standing up a local Apache instance to host the test context. When testing against this local context, you will also need to update the pass-ember configurations to point to the correct place (all locations will be in your pass-ember repo):

Fedora and ember-fedora-adapter relevant configs

Notes on adapter support

**Context Example ** Take these three properties defined in a sample context (note this by itself is not a valid context):

"Person": "pass:Person",
"person": {"@id": "pass:person"},
"author": {"@id": "pass:author", "@type": "@id"},
"authors": {"@id": "pass:authors",  "@container": "@set", "@type": "@id"},

Making changes to the Ember model You are free to change the Ember data model freely as you need in development. We can sync up a modified UI data model with the overall project data model when we think the changes are somewhat stable.

You have to update the context when adding properties not already present in the context

Whenever you make a change to the data model OR the test data:

For development, you can run Fedora in a Docker container provided with the pass-ember repo with docker-compose up. This will bring Fedora up at http://localhost:8080/fcrepo.
