
Deploying a demo PASS system

What follows are developer-oriented instructions about our GitHub Self-Hosted Runners connected to GitHub actions for automatable deploys of PASS demo system.

For information on actually deploying updates to a running demo system such as please refer to Eclipse Foundation infrastructure

Self-Hosted Demo Code

On a self-hosted server, the code is located in an (unfortunately) deeply nested structure at


On a GitHub actions deploy, the latest code will be available at that location, as shown below.

a2forward@nightly-pass:/opt/githubrunner/pass-docker/pass-docker/pass-docker$ git log -1
commit 3766a8db3faabe4e28d0eb1ac9549d5048ec65b2 (grafted, HEAD -> main, origin/main)
Author: Grant McSheffrey <>
Date:   Wed Sep 21 10:49:42 2022 -0400

    Merge pull request #271 from eclipse-pass/k8s-separation

    Separate Kubernetes changes into new files

Action Triggers

The GitHub actions are defined in [pass-docker/.github/workflows](( such as our nightly action.

The nightly action will run every night (and on every pull-request merge).

Debugging On The Server

Please ensure the issue is actually related to the deployed environment and IS NOT reproducible locally.

If you are troubleshooting strange behaviour on a GitHub Self-Hosted Runners then you can directly manipulate the code outside of an official deploy.

For that, first SSH onto that server, and then switch to the githubrunner user.

# SSH into the server
cd /opt/githubrunner/pass-docker/pass-docker/pass-docker
sudo su githubrunner

From here, you can run the application (any version of it)

docker-compose up

Please refer to the specifics of the Eclipse Foundation infrastructure for the actual commands to run on a specific environment. For example, this is the specific script that (currently) runs

docker-compose -f eclipse-pass.base.yml -f eclipse-pass.demo.yml up

For debugging purposes you can also change the branch and run a specific build (what follows is for demonstration purposes not the specific commands you want to run)

git fetch
git checkout demo-spike
docker-compose -f demo.yml pull
docker-compose -f demo.yml --env-file .demo_env up

If the application did launch as expected, you should be able to see the working site (for example using curl).

curl -k https://localhost

Which will return something similar to


    <title>PASS docker</title>

    PASS Docker!

        <li><a href="/app/">Ember - the PASS UI</a></li>

