
Eclipse Foundation Operations

The following site are managed by the Eclipse Foundation.

URL Notes Status Github Pages HTML / CSS running-locally (DNS not configured) GitHub Self-Hosted Runner / Docker Compose running GitHub Self-Hosted Runner / Docker Compose running-locally (DNS not configured)

The underlying infrastructure for each is documented here

Infra User Details
Github Pages HTML / CSS N/A Automatic via GitHub Actions
GitHub Self-Hosted Runner / Docker Compose githubrunner Run from /opt/githubrunner/pass-docker/pass-docker/pass-docker

If you are looking for more detailed developer-oriented instructions to help debug an issue with the above, please refer to managing our demo servers documentation.


The .eclipsefdn project allows our team to self-service several aspect of our organization via a tool called Otterdog and secrets in Bitwarden.

These .eclipsefdn repo / tools gives access to:

Learn more about Otterdog here.


This is managed with GitHub Pages from the repo.

Sync Demo To Marketing

The site includes marketing information about PASS that we currently synchronize with the main site.

  1. Download the publicly accessible site.

This can be done with a tool like SiteSucker on a Mac.

Download site with SiteSucker

  1. Update the repo.

In a new branch, copy all files from the download site.

  1. Fix references to the demo site

Any link to “idp” for login purposes, such as

<a href="idp/..." class="btn btn-primary my-3 pl-4 pr-4 ember-view">Use the Demo</a>

Should be updated to

<a href="" class="btn btn-primary my-3 pl-4 pr-4 ember-view">Use the Demo</a>
  1. PR branch into main

Once the code is in main, the site will automatically be deployed to

Updates deployed on merge

The site is deployed on demand using GitHub actions. Note that this site is not yet publically available.

The demo system is based on the pass-docker project and you can view the available actions including the Deploy passdemo action

Publish Via

To publish an update, access the actions page.

pass-docker actions

You can then run the workflow

run workflow

And watch the deploy.

deployed actions

Locally Run Via Docker Compose

The site is managed using Docker Compose.

To run locally first get a local copy of pass-docker then run it with the following commands

cd pass-docker && \
  docker-compose -f eclipse-pass.base.yml -f eclipse-pass.demo.yml pull && \
  docker-compose -f eclipse-pass.base.yml -f eclipse-pass.demo.yml up

For more information debugging the deployment to our demo servers please refer to our demo deploy documentation.

The site is deployed automatically on PR merged (as well as nightly) using GitHub actions. Note that this site is not yet publically available.

Much like the nightly system is based on the pass-docker project and you can view the available actions including the Deploy passdemo action

Locally Run Via Docker Compose

The site is managed using Docker Compose.

To run locally first get a local copy of pass-docker then run it with the following commands

cd pass-docker && \
  docker-compose -f eclipse-pass.base.yml -f eclipse-pass.nightly.yml pull && \
  docker-compose -f eclipse-pass.base.yml -f eclipse-pass.nightly.yml up

For more information debugging the deployment to our demo servers (such as please refer to our demo deploy documentation.


A bootstrapped server installer to run a stand-alone PASS application via the pass-docker project

Which will do the following

To configure the self-hosted runner you will need the GITHUB token, replacing the XXX with the actual token value.


Learn more from the installer script itself.


To manually run the application, execute

cd /src/pass-docker && \
  sudo docker-compose pull && \
  sudo docker-compose up

If you want to run in the background then use -d.

sudo docker-compose up -d


Access Eclipse Servers

To access the Eclipse infrastructure you will need a login. If you do not have a bastion login, then you will need to reach out to a team member for instructions (and permission) to get such a login.

Server IP ssh ${ME} -t ssh ${ME}@ ssh ${ME} -t ssh ${ME}@

You will need to change ME to your username


Once on the server, then CD into the directory and change to the githubrunner user

cd /opt/githubrunner/pass-docker/pass-docker/pass-docker
sudo su githubrunner

Now you have full access to the application and can run the application as shown below

Run Remote Apps

From our GitHub actions you will see the specifics on running the servers

Server Configs Runner docker-compose -f eclipse-pass.base.yml -f eclipse-pass.nightly.yml nightly script docker-compose -f eclipse-pass.base.yml -f eclipse-pass.demo.yml demo script

For example, to stop all demo services run,

docker-compose -f eclipse-pass.base.yml -f eclipse-pass.demo.yml down

Remove Rogue Processes

If the docker-compose file has drastically changed, then there migth be rogue processes still running. You can view them with

docker ps

Then grab the container IDs and manually stop them.

docker stop 03159019094f