
PASS Pipeline


Below is an outline of how the various pieces of the PASS infrastructure will be coordinated into a release. We will start with non-production-ready version using pass-docker and in particular one based on GitHub Actions via Self-Hosted Runner.

Once branch 178-docker-compose-gh-actions is merged, this documentation should be updated to point back to the main branch.

As different environments (cd, nightly, dev, demo, pre-production, production) are introduced this documentation will be updated to reflect those differences (for example cd, nightly, dev, demo will all use a fake nihms FTP server).

The docker containers should be migrated based on eclipse-pass dependencies.

Application Reposibilities

The PASS application will be responsible for

Application pipeline actions

Note that the pass-app currently refers to the pass-docker repo. The recommendation is that pass-docker be renamed (and enhanced) to capture using infrastructure as code) all configurable environments.

Here is a summary of the actions and their current triggers / implementation status (note not all actions have been fully automated).

Action Trigger Note
deploy_demo GH Action Button In development
update_core_versions Manual Manually build / publish containers, update pass-docker manifests
update_datastores Manual Same as update_core_versions
update_project Manual Update pass-docker manifests

Project Reposibilities

The individual projects will be responsible for

Project pipeline actions

The artefacts will be stored in a consistent manner so the application can correct grab the appropriate versions when orchestrating a release.

Action Trigger Note
test GH PRs Mostly in place for all projects
build Manual Working towards GH actions
notify Manual Notify via email/slack/carrier pigeon of update

Artefact Decomposition

The PASS project can be viewed as a decomposition of

Each decomposition will have different levels of automation and different release cycles.

Core Infrastructure

The following core pieces of infrastructure are required for the PASS Application. These pieces are more stable and will not be updated frequently.

Name Based On Notes
fcrepo tomcat:8.5.40-jre8-alpine docker Old version (4.7.5) and relies heavily on OAPASS instead of eclipse-pass
postgres postgres:10.3-alpine docker Underlying DB for fcrepo
activemq openjdk:8-jre-alpine docker Version 5.15.11
httpd-proxy centos docker Orchestration between services
elasticsearch elasticsearch/elasticsearch-oss 6.2.3 docker Security vulnerability to patch
mail oapass/docker-mailserver Should be updated to eclipse-pass/pass-docker-mailserver

Third Party Data Stores

The following third party data stores are configured / configurable within PASS. These pieces are more stable and will not be updated frequently.

Name Based On Notes
nihms ftpserver stilliard/pure-ftpd docker Sample Nimhs FTP Server
dspace jetty:9.4.7-jre8-alpine docker Sample DSpace database

Identity Management

The following core pieces manage authentication. These pieces are more stable and will not be updated frequently.

Name Based On Notes
idp unicon/shibboleth-idp docker Based on shibboleth and configurable for common, harvard and jhu
ldap centos docker Configured for fakek accounts on common, harvard and jhu
shibboleth-sp unicon/shibboleth-sp docker Core shibboleth service provider
authz openjdk:8u212-jre-alpine3.9 docker Managed via

PASS Projects

The following projects will manage building their own containers.

Name Installation Notes
pass-ui docker Relies on OA-PASS/pass-ember and should be updated to eclipse-pass/pass-ui
pass-ui-static docker Relies on OA-PASS should be updated to eclipse-pass
indexer openjdk:8u212-jre-alpine3.9 docker Relies on OA-PASS should be updated to eclipse-pass
assets alpine:3.7 Based on minimal assets data.tar within pass-docker
deposit-services pass-package-providers docker Based on oapass/deposit-services-providers and should be moved to eclipse-pass/pass-package-providers Configurable for JHU or Harvard
notification-services notification-services/0.1.0-3.4 Update to to eclipse-pass/pass-notification-services
schemaservice oapass/schema-service:v0.6.1-3 Update to eclipse-pass/pass-metadata-schemas
policyservice oapass/policy-service:v0.1.2 Update to eclipse-pass/pass-policy-service
doiservice oapass/doi-service:version1.0.0 Update to eclipse-pass/pass-doi-service
downloadservice oapass/download-service:v1.0.2 Update to eclipse-pass/pass-download-service

Component CI/CD Capabilities

The table below will document the progression from source code commits to a production running application for the many PASS components.

Project Build UTs ITs Deploy

There are a few additional project that help support Eclipse PASS but are not part of the core application.

Project Build UTs ITs Deploy

The following application help load data into PASS

Project Build UTs ITs Deploy

The following repositories have been forked from others

Project Forked From
modeshape ModeShape
pass-fcrepo-module-auth-rbacl birkland

Unit Testing

Project Command Dependencies
pass-ember-adapter export FEDORA_ADAPTER_INTEGRATION_TEST=0
yarn install
ember test
Ember.js Ember
pass-ui npm config set spin false
yarn install
ember test –test-port=4200
NPM, Yarn, Ember.js
pass-deposit-services mvn test Maven, Java
pass-authz mvn -pl -pass-authz-integration test Maven, Java 8
pass-java-client mvn test -DskipITs=true Java, mvn test works if mvn package run first.
pass-indexer mvn test -DskipITs=true Java
pass-policy-service go test ./… Go
pass-metadata-schemas go test ./… Go
pass-download-service go test ./… Go
pass-notification-services mvn test Java 8
pass-doi-service mvn test Java
pass-indexer-checker mvn test Java
pass-dupe-checker go test Go
pass-package-providers mvn test Java, Mvn 3.6.3 (depending on platform, later release might work)
pass-messaging-support mvn test Java
pass-nihms-loader mvn test Java
pass-grant-loader mvn test Java
pass-journal-loader mvn test Java
pass-fcrepo-module-auth-rbacl mvn test Java 8, Mvn 3.6.3 (depending on platform, later release might work)

Integration Testing

Project Command Dependencies
pass-ember-adapter docker-compose up -d
yarn install
ember test
Ember.js Ember Docker
pass-deposit-services mvn verify Maven, Java, Docker
pass-authz mvn verify Maven, Java 8, Docker
pass-java-client mvn verify Java, Docker, mvn verify works if mvn package run first.
pass-indexer docker-compose up -d
mvn verify
Java, Docker
pass-policy-service docker-compose up -d
go test -tags=integration ./…
pass-download-service docker-compose up -d
go test -tags=integration ./…
pass-notification-services mvn verify Java 8, Docker
pass-doi-service mvn verify Java, Docker
pass-indexer-checker mvn verify Java, Docker
pass-package-providers mvn verify Java, Docker, Mvn 3.6.3 (depending on platform, later release might work)
pass-messaging-support mvn verify Java, Docker
pass-nihms-loader mvn verify Java, Docker
pass-grant-loader mvn verify Java, Docker
pass-journal-loader mvn verify Java, Docker
pass-fcrepo-module-auth-rbacl mvn test Java 8, Mvn 3.6.3 (depending on platform, later release might work)


Project Command Dependencies
pass-ember-adapter yarn install
ember build
Ember.js Ember
pass-ui yarn install
ember build
Ember.js Ember
pass-deposit-services mvn install Maven, Java, Docker
pass-authz mvn install Maven, Java 8, Docker
pass-java-client mvn install Java, Docker
pass-indexer docker-compose up -d
mvn install
Java, Docker
pass-policy-service go generate ./…
go build ./cmd/pass-policy-service
pass-docker-mailserver docker build -t oapass/docker-mailserver:DATE . Docker
pass-metadata-schemas go build ./cmd/pass-schema-service Go
pass-download-service go build Go
pass-notification-services mvn install Java, Docker
pass-doi-service mvn install Java, Docker
pass-indexer-checker mvn install Java, Docker
pass-dupe-checker go build Go
pass-package-providers mvn install Java, Docker
pass-messaging-support mvn install Java, Docker
pass-nihms-loader mvn install Java, Docker
pass-grant-loader mvn install Java, Docker
pass-journal-loader mvn install Java, Docker


Element Current Version Latest Version Notes
Go 1.12 1.18 Programming language
Java 17 22 Programming language
Fedora 4.7.5 6.1.1 Document store (database) for PASS
Postgres 13.3 14.2 Underlying storage of Fedora
Node 14.x 18.x JavaScript runtime, unconfirmed on desired version
Npm 6.14.x 6.14.8 Package manager for node
Maven 3.6.3 3.8.5 Java Package manager
ElasticSearch 7.13.3 8.1.3 Search / indexing
Shibboleth 2 3.3.0 Authentication
Ember.js 3.8 3.28.8 The user interface
Ember CLI 2.13 4.3.0 CLI for managing an ember application
Docker Compose 1.29.2 2.5.0 CLI for managing docker containers
