

A Submission can have multiple Deposits, each to a different Repository. This entity describes the interaction of PASS with a target Repository for an individual Submission with the purpose of satisfying one or more Policies.

Attribute Type Description
id* String Autogenerated identifier of object.
depositStatusRef String A URL or some kind of reference that can be dereferenced, entity body parsed, and used to determine the status of Deposit
depositStatus* String Status of deposit (see list below)
Relationship Type Target Description
submission* To One Submission Submission this Deposit is a part of
repository* To One Repository Repository being deposited to
repositoryCopy To One Repository Copy Repository Copy for this Deposit


Deposit status options

These are the possible statuses for a Deposit in the order they could occur. Note that not all repositories will go through every status.

Intermediate status
A Deposit with an intermediate status indicates that the processing of the Deposit is not yet complete. At some indeterminate point in the future, the status may be updated to a terminal state.
Terminal status
A Deposit with a terminal status indicates that the processing of the Deposit is complete.
Value State Description
submitted Intermediate PASS has sent a package to the target Repository and is waiting for an update on the status
rejected Terminal The target Repository has rejected the Deposit
failed Intermediate A failure occurred while performing the deposit, it may be re-tried later.
accepted Terminal The target Repository has accepted the Files into the repository and they are pending publication if not published already