

A Repository is the target of a Deposit. It is a platform where copies of publications can be deposited in order to comply with Funder and institutional access policies.

Field Type Description
id* String Autogenerated identifier of object
name* String Name of repository e.g. “PubMed Central”
description String Several sentence description of repository
url String URL to the homepage of the repository so that PASS users can view the platform before deciding whether to participate in it
agreementText String The legal text that a submitter must agree to in order to submit a publication to this Repository
formSchema String (deprecated) Stringified JSON representing a form template to be loaded by the front-end when this Repository is selected
integrationType String Type of integration that PASS has with the Repository (see list below)
repositoryKey String Key that is unique to this Repository instance within PASS. Used to look up the Repository when its URI is not available (e.g. prior to the creation of this Repository resource in Fedora). See below for a list of currently used keys.
schemas String[] Contains an array of relative URIs that the pass-core metadata service can resolve to JSON schema documents describing the repository’s metadata requirements


Integration type options

These are the possible types of integration a Repository can have with PASS.

Value Description
full PASS can make Deposits to this Repository, and will received updates about its status
one-way PASS can make Deposits to this Repository but will not automatically receive updates about its status
web-link A deposit cannot automatically be made to this Repository from PASS, only a web link can be created.

Repository key values

These are the repository keys currently used in PASS. This list will grow as more repositories are supported.

Value Repository name
pmc PubMed Central
jscholarship Johns Hopkins JScholarship
eric Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)
dec Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC)
dash Harvard DASH