
Repository Copy

A Repository Copy represents a copy of a Publication that exists in a target Repository. The Repository Copy either (1) was the result of an accepted Deposit from PASS, in which case there would be a link to the Copy from the related Deposit record, or (2) was created outside of PASS by some other process. In this second instance, the PASS system stores the information to help determine whether a Publication is already compliance.

Field Type Description
id* String Autogenerated identifier of object
externalIds String[] IDs assigned to this entity by the target repository
copyStatus* String Status of the copy in the external repository’s workflow (see list below)
accessUrl String URL to access the item in the repository, could allow Users to see the final result
Relationship Type Target Description
publication* To One Publication Publication that this is a copy of
repository* To One Repository Repository being deposited to


Copy status options

These are the possible statuses for a Deposit in the order they could occur. Note that not all repositories will go through every status.

Value Description
accepted The target Repository has indicated that the Deposit has been accepted
in-progress The target Repository is processing the files
stalled The target Repository has detected a problem that has caused the progress to stall. This will likely require some direct interaction with the repository to re-initiate the process. Examples include, when there are incorrect files, or when a user did not respond to a validation request in a resonable time.
complete The target Repository has accepted the files, and publication is pending if not already complete
rejected The target Repository has rejected the files.